ICD | Diagnosis |
R00 | Abnormalities of heart beat |
R00.0 | Tachycardia, unspecified |
R00.1 | Bradycardia, unspecified |
R00.2 | Palpitations |
R00.8 | Other and unspecified abnormalities of heart beat |
R01 | Cardiac murmurs and other cardiac sounds |
R01.0 | Benign and innocent cardiac murmurs |
R01.1 | Cardiac murmur, unspecified |
R01.2 | Other cardiac sounds |
R02 | Gangrene, not elsewhere classified |
R03 | Abnormal blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis |
R03.0 | Elevated blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis of hypertension |
R03.1 | Nonspecific low blood-pressure reading |
R04 | Haemorrhage from respiratory passages |
R04.0 | Epistaxis |
R04.1 | Haemorrhage from throat |
R04.2 | Haemoptysis |
R04.8 | Haemorrhage from other sites in respiratory passages |
R04.9 | Haemorrhage from respiratory passages, unspecified |
R05 | Cough |
R06 | Abnormalities of breathing |
R06.0 | Dyspnoea |
R06.1 | Stridor |
R06.2 | Wheezing |
R06.3 | Periodic breathing |
R06.4 | Hyperventilation |
R06.5 | Mouth breathing |
R06.6 | Hiccough |
R06.7 | Sneezing |
R06.8 | Other and unspecified abnormalities of breathing |
R07 | Pain in throat and chest |
R07.0 | Pain in throat |
R07.1 | Chest pain on breathing |
R07.2 | Precordial pain |
R07.3 | Other chest pain |
R07.4 | Chest pain, unspecified |
R09 | Other symptoms and signs involving the circulatory and respiratory systems |
R09.0 | Asphyxia |
R09.1 | Pleurisy |
R09.2 | Respiratory arrest |
R09.3 | Abnormal sputum |
R09.8 | Other specified symptoms and signs involving the circulatory and respiratory systems |
R10 | Abdominal and pelvic pain |
R10.0 | Acute abdomen |
R10.1 | Pain localized to upper abdomen |
R10.2 | Pelvic and perineal pain |
R10.3 | Pain localized to other parts of lower abdomen |
R10.4 | Other and unspecified abdominal pain |
R11 | Nausea and vomiting |
R12 | Heartburn |
R13 | Dysphagia |
R14 | Flatulence and related conditions |
R15 | Faecal incontinence |
R16 | Hepatomegaly and splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified |
R16.0 | Hepatomegaly, not elsewhere classified |
R16.1 | Splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified |
R16.2 | Hepatomegaly with splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified |
R17 | Unspecified jaundice |
R17.9 | Hyperbilirubinaemia without mention of jaundice, not elsewhere classified |
R18 | Ascites |
R19 | Other symptoms and signs involving the digestive system and abdomen |
R19.0 | Intra-abdominal and pelvic swelling, mass and lump |
R19.1 | Abnormal bowel sounds |
R19.2 | Visible peristalsis |
R19.3 | Abdominal rigidity |
R19.4 | Change in bowel habit |
R19.5 | Other faecal abnormalities |
R19.6 | Halitosis |
R19.8 | Other specified symptoms and signs involving the digestive system and abdomen |
R20 | Disturbances of skin sensation |
R20.0 | Anaesthesia of skin |
R20.1 | Hypoaesthesia of skin |
R20.2 | Paraesthesia of skin |
R20.3 | Hyperaesthesia |
R20.8 | Other and unspecified disturbances of skin sensation |
R21 | Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption |
R22 | Localized swelling, mass and lump of skin and subcutaneous tissue |
R22.0 | Localized swelling, mass and lump, head |
R22.1 | Localized swelling, mass and lump, neck |
R22.2 | Localized swelling, mass and lump, trunk |
R22.3 | Localized swelling, mass and lump, upper limb |
R22.4 | Localized swelling, mass and lump, lower limb |
R22.7 | Localized swelling, mass and lump, multiple sites |
R22.9 | Localized swelling, mass and lump, unspecified |
R23 | Other skin changes |
R23.0 | Cyanosis |
R23.1 | Pallor |
R23.2 | Flushing |
R23.3 | Spontaneous ecchymoses |
R23.4 | Changes in skin texture |
R23.8 | Other and unspecified skin changes |
R25 | Abnormal involuntary movements |
R25.0 | Abnormal head movements |
R25.1 | Tremor, unspecified |
R25.2 | Cramp and spasm |
R25.3 | Fasciculation |
R25.8 | Other and unspecified abnormal involuntary movements |
R26 | Abnormalities of gait and mobility |
R26.0 | Ataxic gait |
R26.1 | Paralytic gait |
R26.2 | Difficulty in walking, not elsewhere classified |
R26.8 | Other and unspecified abnormalities of gait and mobility |
R27 | Other lack of coordination |
R27.0 | Ataxia, unspecified |
R27.8 | Other and unspecified lack of coordination |
R29 | Other symptoms and signs involving the nervous and musculoskeletal systems |
R29.0 | Tetany |
R29.1 | Meningismus |
R29.2 | Abnormal reflex |
R29.3 | Abnormal posture |
R29.4 | Clicking hip |
R29.6 | Tendency to fall, not elsewhere classified |
R29.8 | Other and unspecified symptoms and signs involving the nervous and musculoskeletal systems |
R30 | Pain associated with micturition |
R30.0 | Dysuria |
R30.1 | Vesical tenesmus |
R30.9 | Painful micturition, unspecified |
R31 | Unspecified haematuria |
R32 | Unspecified urinary incontinence |
R33 | Retention of urine |
R34 | Anuria and oliguria |
R35 | Polyuria |
R36 | Urethral discharge |
R39 | Other symptoms and signs involving the urinary system |
R39.0 | Extravasation of urine |
R39.1 | Other difficulties with micturition |
R39.2 | Extrarenal uraemia |
R39.8 | Other and unspecified symptoms and signs involving the urinary system |
R40 | Somnolence, stupor and coma |
R40.0 | Somnolence |
R40.1 | Stupor |
R40.2 | Coma, unspecified |
R41 | Other symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions and awareness |
R41.0 | Disorientation, unspecified |
R41.1 | Anterograde amnesia |
R41.2 | Retrograde amnesia |
R41.3 | Other amnesia |
R41.8 | Other and unspecified symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions and awareness |
R42 | Dizziness and giddiness |
R43 | Disturbances of smell and taste |
R43.0 | Anosmia |
R43.1 | Parosmia |
R43.2 | Parageusia |
R43.8 | Other and unspecified disturbances of smell and taste |
R44 | Other symptoms and signs involving general sensations and perceptions |
R44.0 | Auditory hallucinations |
R44.1 | Visual hallucinations |
R44.2 | Other hallucinations |
R44.3 | Hallucinations, unspecified |
R44.8 | Other and unspecified symptoms and signs involving general sensations and perceptions |
R45 | Symptoms and signs involving emotional state |
R45.0 | Nervousness |
R45.1 | Restlessness and agitation |
R45.2 | Unhappiness |
R45.3 | Demoralization and apathy |
R45.4 | Irritability and anger |
R45.5 | Hostility |
R45.6 | Physical violence |
R45.7 | State of emotional shock and stress, unspecified |
R45.8 | Other symptoms and signs involving emotional state |
R46 | Symptoms and signs involving appearance and behaviour |
R46.0 | Very low level of personal hygiene |
R46.1 | Bizarre personal appearance |
R46.2 | Strange and inexplicable behaviour |
R46.3 | Overactivity |
R46.4 | Slowness and poor responsiveness |
R46.5 | Suspiciousness and marked evasiveness |
R46.6 | Undue concern and preoccupation with stressful events |
R46.7 | Verbosity and circumstantial detail obscuring reason for contact |
R46.8 | Other symptoms and signs involving appearance and behaviour |
R47 | Speech disturbances, not elsewhere classified |
R47.0 | Dysphasia and aphasia |
R47.1 | Dysarthria and anarthria |
R47.8 | Other and unspecified speech disturbances |
R48 | Dyslexia and other symbolic dysfunctions, not elsewhere classified |
R48.0 | Dyslexia and alexia |
R48.1 | Agnosia |
R48.2 | Apraxia |
R48.8 | Other and unspecified symbolic dysfunctions |
R49 | Voice disturbances |
R49.0 | Dysphonia |
R49.1 | Aphonia |
R49.2 | Hypernasality and hyponasality |
R49.8 | Other and unspecified voice disturbances |
R50 | Fever of other and unknown origin |
R50.2 | Drug-induced fever |
R50.8 | Other specified fever |
R50.9 | Fever, unspecified |
R51 | Headache |
R52 | Pain, not elsewhere classified |
R52.0 | Acute pain |
R52.1 | Chronic intractable pain |
R52.2 | Other chronic pain |
R52.9 | Pain, unspecified |
R53 | Malaise and fatigue |
R54 | Senility |
R55 | Syncope and collapse |
R56 | Convulsions, not elsewhere classified |
R56.0 | Febrile convulsions |
R56.8 | Other and unspecified convulsions |
R57 | Shock, not elsewhere classified |
R57.0 | Cardiogenic shock |
R57.1 | Hypovolaemic shock |
R57.2 | Septic Shock |
R57.8 | Other shock |
R57.9 | Shock, unspecified |
R58 | Haemorrhage, not elsewhere classified |
R59 | Enlarged lymph nodes |
R59.0 | Localized enlarged lymph nodes |
R59.1 | Generalized enlarged lymph nodes |
R59.9 | Enlarged lymph nodes, unspecified |
R60 | Oedema, not elsewhere classified |
R60.0 | Localized oedema |
R60.1 | Generalized oedema |
R60.9 | Oedema, unspecified |
R61 | Hyperhidrosis |
R61.0 | Localized hyperhidrosis |
R61.1 | Generalized hyperhidrosis |
R61.9 | Hyperhidrosis, unspecified |
R62 | Lack of expected normal physiological development |
R62.0 | Delayed milestone |
R62.52 | Growth failure |
R62.8 | Other lack of expected normal physiological development |
R62.9 | Lack of expected normal physiological development, unspecified |
R63 | Symptoms and signs concerning food and fluid intake |
R63.0 | Anorexia |
R63.1 | Polydipsia |
R63.2 | Polyphagia |
R63.3 | Feeding difficulties and mismanagement |
R63.4 | Abnormal weight loss |
R63.5 | Abnormal weight gain |
R63.8 | Other symptoms and signs concerning food and fluid intake |
R64 | Cachexia |
R65.0 | Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome of infectious origin without organ failure |
R65.1 | Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome of infectious origin with organ failure Severe Sepsis |
R65.2 | Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome of non-infectious origin without organ failure |
R65.3 | Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome of non-infectious origin with organ failure |
R65.9 | Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, unspecified |
R68 | Other general symptoms and signs |
R68.0 | Hypothermia, not associated with low environmental temperature |
R68.1 | Nonspecific symptoms peculiar to infancy |
R68.2 | Dry mouth, unspecified |
R68.3 | Clubbing of fingers |
R68.8 | Other specified general symptoms and signs |
R69 | Unknown and unspecified causes of morbidity |
R70 | Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate and abnormality of plasma viscosity |
R70.0 | Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
R70.1 | Abnormal plasma viscosity |
R71 | Abnormality of red blood cells |
R72 | Abnormality of white blood cells, not elsewhere classified |
R73 | Elevated blood glucose level |
R73.0 | Abnormal glucose tolerance test |
R73.9 | Hyperglycaemia, unspecified |
R74 | Abnormal serum enzyme levels |
R74.0 | Elevation of levels of transaminase and lactic acid dehydrogenase [LDH] |
R74.8 | Abnormal levels of other serum enzymes |
R74.9 | Abnormal level of unspecified serum enzyme |
R75 | Laboratory evidence of human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] |
R76 | Other abnormal immunological findings in serum |
R76.0 | Raised antibody titre |
R76.1 | Abnormal reaction to tuberculin test |
R76.2 | False-positive serological test for syphilis |
R76.8 | Other specified abnormal immunological findings in serum |
R76.9 | Abnormal immunological finding in serum, unspecified |
R77 | Other abnormalities of plasma proteins |
R77.0 | Abnormality of albumin |
R77.1 | Abnormality of globulin |
R77.2 | Abnormality of alphafetoprotein |
R77.8 | Other specified abnormalities of plasma proteins |
R77.9 | Abnormality of plasma protein, unspecified |
R78 | Findings of drugs and other substances, not normally found in blood |
R78.0 | Finding of alcohol in blood |
R78.1 | Finding of opiate drug in blood |
R78.2 | Finding of cocaine in blood |
R78.3 | Finding of hallucinogen in blood |
R78.4 | Finding of other drugs of addictive potential in blood |
R78.5 | Finding of psychotropic drug in blood |
R78.6 | Finding of steroid agent in blood |
R78.7 | Finding of abnormal level of heavy metals in blood |
R78.8 | Finding of other specified substances, not normally found in blood |
R78.9 | Finding of unspecified substance, not normally found in blood |
R79 | Other abnormal findings of blood chemistry |
R79.0 | Abnormal level of blood mineral |
R79.8 | Other specified abnormal findings of blood chemistry |
R79.9 | Abnormal finding of blood chemistry, unspecified |
R80 | Isolated proteinuria |
R81 | Glycosuria |
R82 | Other abnormal findings in urine |
R82.0 | Chyluria |
R82.1 | Myoglobinuria |
R82.2 | Biliuria |
R82.3 | Haemoglobinuria |
R82.4 | Acetonuria |
R82.5 | Elevated urine levels of drugs, medicaments and biological substances |
R82.6 | Abnormal urine levels of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source |
R82.7 | Abnormal findings on microbiological examination of urine |
R82.8 | Abnormal findings on cytological and histological examination of urine |
R82.9 | Other and unspecified abnormal findings in urine |
R83 | Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid |
R84 | Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax |
R85 | Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity |
R86 | Abnormal findings in specimens from male genital organs |
R87 | Abnormal findings in specimens from female genital organs |
R89 | Abnormal findings in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues |
R90 | Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system |
R90.0 | Intracranial space-occupying lesion |
R90.8 | Other abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system |
R91 | Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of lung |
R92 | Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of breast |
R93 | Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other body structures |
R93.0 | Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of skull and head, not elsewhere classified |
R93.1 | Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of heart and coronary circulation |
R93.3 | Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other parts of digestive tract |
R93.4 | Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of urinary organs |
R93.5 | Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other abdominal regions, including retroperitoneum |
R93.6 | Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of limbs |
R93.7 | Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other parts of musculoskeletal system |
R93.8 | Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other specified body structures |
R94 | Abnormal results of function studies |
R94.0 | Abnormal results of function studies of central nervous system |
R94.1 | Abnormal results of function studies of peripheral nervous system and special senses |
R94.2 | Abnormal results of pulmonary function studies |
R94.3 | Abnormal results of cardiovascular function studies |
R94.4 | Abnormal results of kidney function studies |
R94.5 | Abnormal results of liver function studies |
R94.6 | Abnormal results of thyroid function studies |
R94.7 | Abnormal results of other endocrine function studies |
R94.8 | Abnormal results of function studies of other organs and systems |
R95 | Sudden infant death syndrome |
R95.9 | Sudden infant death syndrome without mention of autopsy |
R96 | Other sudden death, cause unknown |
R96.0 | Instantaneous death |
R96.1 | Death occurring less than 24 hours from onset of symptoms, not otherwise explained |
R98 | Unattended death |
R99 | Other ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality |